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Taylor Серия: Movie Icons инфо 8523m.

Taylor Серия: Movie Icons инфо 8523m.

Редактор: Пол Дункан Elizabeth Taylor was a "diva" when that word still had meaning, before it was applied to every female celebrity with slightest bit of attitude and style She was also oneаьлеш of the first actors to be raised to celebrity status by the media for the dramatic conflicts of her personal life as much as for any thespian achievements on the screen In a time when studios controlled the news that was fed to the media about their valuable "prбкщлщoperties," Taylor's expansive personality and rollercoaster personal life was way too extravagant and exciting to be contained by the spin doctors of Hollywood Издание на английском, немецком, французском языках Иллюстрации Автор Джеймс Урсини James Ursini.